Unbridled Lawlessness in America


If you discovered unbridled lawlessness and unconstitutional activity within a government agency, what would you do? Every government employee and member of the Armed Forces knows what will happen to them if they blow the whistle. Only the most courageous patriots who love America more than themselves will ever dare. If you blow the whistle on an agency, with a corrupt Agency Director, his or her Inspector General will inspect the allegations. The IG works for the Agency Director. Even if the Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FW&A) involves a low ranking individual and is substantiated by the IG, your career is over, O-V-E-R, done, finished! YOU will be investigated, harassed, isolated and totally destroyed. That’s why waste in the government is LEGENDARY!

If your allegations point to a high ranking individual or the Agency itself, they will NEVER be substantiated! Yes, the IG system cannot work and is itself FW&A. Only the Government Accountability Office (GAO) can be depended on the get the truth. The GAO works for Congress.

Unless you get your news from Good Morning America, Today, CNN or MSNBC, you realize that most of the Cabinet Members and Agency Directors are corrupt. The Attorney General sets in Criminal and Civil Contempt of Congress while the National Director of Intelligence and the Director of NSA have both lied to Congress.

Inexplicably many Americans actually think spying on them makes them safer, can you explain that to me? A fifth grader can read and understand the Fourth Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

NSA stand for “No Such Amendment?” For the first time in American History all three branches of government are complicit in violating the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.

NSA is suppose to focus on foreign intelligence but I believe they have become obsessed with learning what size underwear you have on, what inside information CEO’s know, what horse will win the 5th race at Belmont, how Judges will rule in specific cases or where the next shopping center will be built? NSA has a dismal record when it comes to stopping the Boston Bombing, the USS Cole attack, the Khobar Towers bombing, the Benghazi Attack, 911, the Time Square Bombing and countless other catastrophes that cost countless American Lives. They spied on our allies instead of spying on our enemies. Maybe if they had put some effort into finding Osama bin Laden 12 years ago the war in Afghanistan would never have happened?

It has been estimated that there are at least 20,000 illegal aliens from terrorist countries in the United States. Where are they, what are they up to and when will they do their reprehensible mission? Suitcase Nukes and thousands of surface to air missiles cannot be accounted for. Where are they, who has them and what will they do with them? They could all be in the United States because our 92,000 miles of shoreline and our borders are porous.

So what is the focus of the once mighty United States? Silencing Edward Snowden! Even usually rational citizens have lost sight of the crooks and focused on the messenger. Nobody at NSA or IRS has been arrested. Witnesses to the Benghazi attack have been threatened. The Doctor who found bin Laden has now been charged with murder while America refuses to lift a finger to help him. Are there any Americans left with enough discernment to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys?

While you have been obsessed with Snowden and Duck Dynasty, your government spent $98,670.00 on an outhouse in Alaska, a million to heat the pavement at a bus stop, a $10,000 grant for a Pole Dancing Performance, $5,400,000.00 for booze and crystal for the State Department, $82,000 to monitor depression on Twitter and $562,000 for artwork for offices. Oh, did I mention the 1.5 million square foot billion dollar NSA Building in Utah?

Time to go back to Good Morning America, you might miss a great recipe for rattlesnake chili?

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4 Responses to “Unbridled Lawlessness in America”

  1. genemcvay Says:

    The next day after I post on Word Press I get an email telling me I liked my own post. I assure you I am not clicking on the Like Button. I hope Word Press will look into this but I have no way of contacting them.

  2. genemcvay Says:

    I have joined the Class Action Lawsuit against the Lawless National Security Agency, You can join the Lawsuit here: http://bit.ly/1gyJKxA

    There are two Federal Judges who have ruled on NSA wiretapping, one says it’s okay while the other says it’s not. Clearly one judge can’t read or should be impeached in my opinion.

  3. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.com.

  4. Marilyn Basile Says:

    This article is both frighting & fascinating. Please read this & sign it! Wake up America!

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