Posts Tagged ‘9/11’

Please Stop Insulting my Intelligence!

March 17, 2017

☆☆Every single day the NSA intercepts and stores the equivalent of 128 million books.

Will you allow old Gene McVay to put that in perspective?

The Library of Congress has 16 million books.

Our Congressmen are dancing around spouting off saying President Trump’s phone calls and emails somehow escaped the gargantuan dragnet of our 17 corrupt intelligence agencies!

Day after day, fools like Geraldo and Juan Williams are paid to insult our intelligence. They, along with our Congressmen, are either corrupt or completely clueless or all of the above?

I have begged and pleaded with voters to stop sending these babes in the woods to the Swamp! They can’t find their own behinds, much less provide oversight.

The newest NSA Data Center in Utah uses 1.7 million gallons of water A DAY!!! The electric bill is $40 million a year.

Our intelligence apparatus should have been able to prevent 911, the Boston bombing, Khobar Towers, the USS Cole and Pearl Harbor.

Collectively, they COULD NOT EVEN FIND Osama bin Laden!!! Nor do they have any idea how many illegal aliens are roaming our neighborhoods or what they’re up to.

While our Intelligence Agencies don’t know what the bad guys are doing, miraculously, they know what General Flynn is doing. They probably knew where Donald Trump would build a hotel and bought nearby property?

They miraculously had no idea what Obama and the corrupt judge were up to in Hawaii?

What good would 8 Libraries of Congress a day do if you can’t read?

What would George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Knox and Alexander Hamilton think about this government gone wild? How big must government overreach become before you raise an eyebrow? What are the odds Paul Ryan and his cronies have a clue?

In this dark expensive swamp there is an alien life form named Donald J. Trump. We may survive if he is successful?


July 12, 2016


When I was leader of a team of official United States Observers traveling in Europe to observe a major NATO exercise, I utilized both military and commercial aircraft and noted that Europe was much more of a police state than the U.S. with machine-gun wielding security at all major airports. That was about 30 years ago and security has been increased exponentially since then. Even so, here are a couple of headlines from this year:



Here are some of the findings in Cologne, Germany I took from newspapers:

“An internal police report reveals officers “could not cope” with the volume of attacks in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

Women were ‘forced to run the gauntlet’ through gangs of drunken and aggressive men outside the station.

Police say the number of reported crimes from the incident has risen to 121, about three-quarters of which involve sexual assault.

They have identified 16 suspects, but have made no new arrests.”

During my last military command one of my responsibilities was Air Base Defense so I’m not a neophyte. However, over the years I have come to believe that an important key to self-defense and probably the most important aspect is self-reliance when police protection isn’t enough.

All our lives, especially during our younger years, we heard that the police are there to protect us. From my first kindergarten class in Mountain Home, Arkansas with Miss Clarice Wilks, we learned to respect police. It is common for “Officer Friendly” to visit classrooms today. Most police cars are emblazoned with “To Protect and Serve” and we’re encouraged to give ourselves over to police protection. On the police SUV image, “To Protect and Serve” is in small print on the front fender.


Relaxing in our easy chairs and expecting police to protect us from the bad guys hasn’t always been the American and European way. Before the mid-1800s, American and British citizens – even in large cities – were expected to protect themselves and each other. Indeed, they were legally required to pursue and attempt to apprehend criminals. The notion of a police force in those days was abhorrent in England and America, where liberals viewed it as a form of the dreaded “standing army.”

England’s first police force, in London, was not instituted until 1827. The first such forces in America followed in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia during the period between 1835 and 1845. They were established only to augment citizen self-protection. It was never intended that they act affirmatively, prior to or during criminal activity or violence against individual citizens. Their duty was to protect society as a whole by deterrence; i.e., by systematically patrolling, detecting and apprehending criminals after the occurrence of crimes. There was no thought of police displacing the citizens’ right of self-protection, nor could they even if that was the intent.

Even if all 800,000 American police officers were assigned to patrol, they could not protect 300 million citizens from upwards of 20 million criminals who enjoy the luxury of deciding when and where to strike. But we have nothing like 800,000 patrol officers; to determine how many police are actually available for any one shift, we must divide the 800,000 by four (three shifts per day, plus officers who have days off, are on sick leave, etc.). The resulting number must be cut in half to account for officers assigned to investigations, juvenile, records, laboratory, traffic, etc., rather than patrol.

Such facts are underscored by the practical reality of today’s society. Police and Sheriff’s departments are feeling the financial exigencies of our times that translates directly to a reduction of services, e.g., even less protection. Another fact that might surprise you is that thousands of 911 calls are dropped as are general calls to police departments. About 70% of 911 calls are made from cell phones and we know how reliable they are when you need them.

It is, therefore, a fact of law and of practical necessity that individuals are responsible for their own personal safety and that of their loved ones. Police protection must be recognized for what it is: only an auxiliary general deterrent.

Because the police have no general duty to protect individuals, judicial remedies are not available for their failure to protect. In other words, if someone is injured because they expected but did not receive police protection, they cannot recover damages by suing (except in very special cases). Despite a long history of such failed attempts, however, many, people persist in believing the police are obligated to protect them, attempt to recover when no protection was forthcoming and are emotionally demoralized when the recovery fails. Legal annals abound with such cases.

Many states have specifically precluded such claims, barring lawsuits against State or local officials for failure to protect, by enacting statutes such as California’s Government Code, Sections 821, 845, and 846 which state, in part: “Neither a public entity or a public employee [may be sued] for failure to provide adequate police protection or service, failure to prevent the commission of crimes and failure to apprehend criminals.” Exactly who is your state government looking out for, YOU or the government?

It is painfully clear that the police cannot be relied upon to protect us. Thus far we’ve seen that they have no duty to do so. And we’ve also seen that even if they did have a duty to protect us, practically- speaking they could not fulfill it with sufficient certainty that we would want to bet our lives on it.


Now it’s time to take off the gloves, so to speak, and get down to reality. So the police aren’t duty-bound to protect us, and they can’t be expected to protect us even if they want to. Does that mean that they won’t protect us if they have the opportunity?

One of the leading cases on this point dates way back into the 1950s. A certain Ms. Riss was being harassed by a former boyfriend, in a familiar pattern of increasingly violent threats. She went to the police for help many times, but was always rebuffed. Desperate because she could not get police protection, she applied for a gun permit, but was refused that as well. On the eve of her engagement party she and her mother went to the police one last time pleading for protection against what they were certain was a serious and dangerous threat. And one last time the police refused. As she was leaving the party, her former boyfriend threw acid in her face, blinding and permanently disfiguring her.

Her case against the City of New York for failing to protect her was, not surprisingly, unsuccessful. The lone dissenting justice of New York’s high court wrote in his opinion: “What makes the City’s position [denying any obligation to protect the woman] particularly difficult to understand is that, in conformity to the dictates of the law [she] did not carry any weapon for self-defense. Thus, by a rather bitter irony she was required to rely for protection on the City of New York which now denies all responsibility to her.” Unfortunately, instances of police refusing to protect someone in grave danger, who is urgently requesting help, are becoming disturbingly more common. I won’t go into more cases but you can Google them.


Remember, even if the police were obligated to protect us (which they aren’t), or even if they always tried to protect us (which they often don’t), most often there wouldn’t be time enough for them to do it. It’s about time that we came to grips with that, and resolved never to abdicate responsibility for our personal safety and that of our loved ones to anyone else.

I am a strong supporter of police and a graduate of the local Citizen’s Police Academy. I’m not advocating that we abolish the police but I believe we need a more robust backup when police are overwhelmed. I believe that backup should be citizen based. War has come to America and America is simply not ready. With violent gangs, ISIS in all 50 states and probably 35 million illegal aliens in America, things will get much worse before they get better.


January 19, 2015



Christianity began to spread across the Middle East until the whole region was Christian. Even the Roman Empire that crucified Jesus and fed Christians to lions as sport, adopted Christianity and eventually became the Holy Roman Empire. There was no real challenge to Christianity in the region until the rise of Islamic Jihad beginning at Mecca in 620 AD under Muhammed.

Before Muhammed, Arabs worshipped innumerable gods and goddesses in addition to Allah who was one of the many gods. Among them were Allat, Alluza, Mannat who were goddesses and were looked upon as daughters of Allah along with male gods like Hubal or Baal. After the death of Muhammed on June 8, 632 at age 62 or 63, the Islamic Religion began to be formed. According to Islamic teaching, the Quran came down as a series of revelations from Allah through the Archangel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad who then dictated it to his followers. Muhammad’s companions memorized fragments of the Quran and wrote them down on whatever was at hand, which were later compiled into book form under the rule of the third Caliph, Uthman, some years after Muhammad’s death.

Muhammad was orphaned as a young child and raised by other family members. He became a merchant and began to preach Islam publicly in Mecca in 613 in his 40’s. His preaching is met with skepticism, and he is accused of plagiarizing the “tales of the ancients.” One of his harshest critics was his own uncle, Abu Lahab, who is cursed by name in the Quran. Due to growing animosity between the pagans and Muslims in Mecca, Muhammad and his followers flee to Medina where Muhammad turns into a political and military leader.

In 624 the first armed conflicts began with a series of raids against caravans of pagans from Mecca. The raid marking the beginning of violence in the name of Islam took place in one of the four holy months in which fighting was forbidden. The Battle of Badr followed the caravan raids when the Meccans retaliated against Muhammad. Although they were vastly outnumbered, the Muslims defeated the pagan Meccans; killing at least seventy and capturing another seventy for ransom. Al Nadir, a storyteller and poet who had mocked Muhammad was among the prisoners of war. Muhammad ordered that Al Nadir be beheaded and another twenty-four to be thrown into the well of Badr. That same year, the Jewish Qayniqa tribe was besieged by the Muslims. Muhammad initially intended to execute all the males, but decides to confiscate their property and exile them from Medina. So began the 1,400 years of Jihad by Islam.

Captured people who were infidels, Kafirs or non believers in Allah, were given three choices: Convert to Islam, be killed or pay a tax called Jaziya. Other Arabs were not given the choice of paying Jaziya and remaining non-Muslim, their choice was only Islam or Death. Hence there are no surviving nature and idol-worshipping non-Muslim Arabs today. A point missed by many Arab and Western historians.

By 1096 Muslims controlled most of modern day Turkey, the very capital of Constantine and the location of Antioch where Christians were first called Christians. Where Paul was born and where he departed for his Missionary Journeys. Turkey is the birthplace of Abraham at Ur. Ur became Urfa and then Edessa. Today it is called Şanlıurfa. Sorry, your Bible Maps of Abraham’s travels show the wrong Ur.


From the beginning the Muslims waged economic warfare by targeting caravans and merchant ships. Still, for centuries Christian pilgrims traveled freely from Europe to Jerusalem. All that changed when the Seljuk Turks, who were Muslim, began to interfere with these pilgrimages. In 1071, the Seljuk Turks fought against the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of Manzikert. The Byzantines, who were Christian, lost. The Byzantine emperor asked the Christians in Europe to help protect his empire from the Muslims. In 1095, Pope Urban II called for a crusade against the Muslims to regain control of Jerusalem. The Crusades were holy wars fought between European Christians and Muslims between 1095 and 1291. The main goal of the Crusades was to take control of Jerusalem away from the Muslims and permit safe passage of Christians to the Holy Land.

After the First Crusade achieved its goal with the capture of Jerusalem in 1099, the invading Christians set up several Latin Christian states, even as Muslims in the region vowed to wage jihad to regain control over the region. Christian states were established in Jerusalem, Edessa, Antioch and Tripoli and were guarded by formidable castles. I mentioned that Abraham was from Edessa, but Edessa was also where the Shroud of Turin resided for several years before being moved to Constantinople in the tenth century. News of Edessa’s fall to the Muslims stunned Europe, and led Christian authorities in the West to call for another Crusade. The Second Crusade began in 1147 but was crushed by the ever strengthening Muslims. Through the end of the 13th century, groups of Crusaders sought to gain ground in the Holy Land through short-lived raids that proved little more than an annoyance to Muslim rulers in the region. My guess is that wild eyed professors gave you a completely false narrative about the Crusades?

“Islam is a religion of beheading,” according to Sheikh Hussein bin Mahmoud, a frequent contributor to Islamic internet forums, where he presents theological justifications for various atrocities committed by groups such as Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. “My mind is perplexed by words I have read and heard from people whom I do not know how to describe!!” bin Mahmoud wrote in an article translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. “Millions of Muslims have been killed, tortured and driven from their homes; tens of thousands of Muslim women have had their honor violated and have been sexually abused by the Americans — yet people are weeping over a Christian American ‘harbi’ infidel who entered the Islamic State, knowing full well what the Islamic State is, and without a pact.”

“Harbi” is a term referring to non-Muslims who live outside of Muslim-run territories.

Bin Mahmoud went on to say that a harbi who enters into a Islamic-ruled territory without a formal pact of protection from the ruling Muslims is fair game for robbery, kidnapping, and murder. The Islamic cleric condemns the “West’s false views” that have attempted to create a generation of young Muslims that “does not know fighting or the cutting of necks.” Chopping off heads is a sacred act, according to bin Mahmoud, who wrote, “Beheading a harbi infidel is a blessed act for which a Muslim is rewarded.”

In fact, bin Mahmoud continues, beheading other human beings is a Muslim tradition extending back to the religion’s founder, the Prophet Muhammad himself. “The Prophet did not condemn the striking of necks,” he wrote in the forum article. “Striking necks was a well-known matter that did not elicit any condemnation in the eras of the Prophet, the rightly-guided caliphs and their successors, right until the time of the Christian occupation of the Muslims’ lands in the 20th century.”

“What distorts the image of Islam is not the beheading and terrorizing of infidels, but rather those who want Mandela or Ghandi, with no killing, fighting, brutality, bloodshed or the striking of heads or necks. That is not the religion of Muhammad,” wrote bin Mahmoud. “Islam is a religion of power, fighting, jihad, beheading and bloodshed, not a religion of turning the left cheek to whoever slapped you on the right cheek. On the contrary, it is a religion of breaking the hand that is stretched out to humiliate the Muslim.”

Muslim conquests are marked by crucifixions, beheadings and other mass murders of men, women and children. After a single battle in Spain, the heads of knights were cut off and stacked into a pile so high that a man on horseback could not see over them. Over a thousand years later Mosul Christians were annihilated almost overnight.



The Tomb of Jonah before and after ISIS bombing

Mosul is the second largest city in Iraq and the capital of the Nineveh Province in northern Iraq. Mosul exists on both sides of the Tigris River along with the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh. The city is the historic center of the Church of the East. Christianity spread from Mosul as the church became the world’s largest Christian church in terms of geographical extent, with dioceses stretching from the Mediterranean to China and India. The tombs of several Old Testament prophets including Jonah are located in Mosul. For the first time in 2,000 years, not ONE Christian remains alive in Mosul. A Christian rancher with 600 head of cattle and 200 sheep fled to Jordan with nothing but the shirt on his back. At the rate things are going, Jordan will soon fall into Muslim hands.

The bread and butter of Islamic terrorists is economic terrorism and has been since the first caravan raids. The first struggle America had with Islamic Terrorism came when George Washington was President. Muslim Pirate ships and crews from the Barbary Coast states of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers were the scourge of the Mediterranean capturing merchant ships and holding their crews for ransom. As early as 1784 Congress followed the tradition of the European shipping powers and appropriated $80,000 as tribute to the Barbary States, directing its ministers in Europe, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, to begin negotiations with them. Trouble began the next year, in July 1785, when Algerians captured two American ships and held their crews of twenty-one people for a ransom of nearly $60,000.


 Merchant Ship under attack by Barbary Pirates

Thomas Jefferson, United States minister to France, opposed the payment and wrote this in his autobiography, “endeavored to form an association of the powers subject to habitual depredation from them. I accordingly prepared, and proposed to their ministers at Paris, for consultation with their governments, articles of a special confederation.” Jefferson’s efforts fell through because then as now the major powers could not agree on how to combat the aggression.

Eventually in 1786, Jefferson wrote this to John Adams, “I very early thought it would be best to effect a peace thro’ the medium of war. Paying tribute will merely invite more demands, and even if a coalition proves workable, the only solution is a strong navy that can reach the pirates.” Jefferson argued in an August 18, 1786, letter to James Monroe: “The states must see the rod; perhaps it must be felt by some one of them. . . . Every national citizen must wish to see an effective instrument of coercion, and should fear to see it on any other element than the water. A naval force can never endanger our liberties, nor occasion bloodshed; a land force would do both.” “From what I learn from the temper of my countrymen and their tenaciousness of their money,” Jefferson added in a December 26, 1786, letter to the president of Yale College, Ezra Stiles, “it will be more easy to raise ships and men to fight these pirates into reason, than money to bribe them.” Still, indifference prevailed and in 1795 alone the United States was forced to pay nearly a million dollars in cash, naval stores, and a frigate to ransom 115 sailors from Algiers.

President Jefferson dispatched a squadron of naval vessels to the Mediterranean. As he declared in his first annual message to Congress: “To this state of general peace with which we have been blessed, one only exception exists. Tripoli, the least considerable of the Barbary States, had come forward with demands unfounded either in right or in compact, and had permitted itself to denounce war, on our failure to comply before a given day. The style of the demand admitted but one answer. I sent a small squadron of frigates into the Mediterranean. . . .”

The American show of force quickly awed Tunis and Algiers into breaking their alliance with Tripoli. The humiliating loss of the frigate Philadelphia and the capture of her captain and crew in Tripoli in 1803, criticism from his political opponents, and even opposition within his own cabinet did not deter Jefferson from his chosen course during four years of war. The aggressive action of Commodore Edward Preble (1803-4) forced Morocco out of the fight and his five bombardments of Tripoli restored some order to the Mediterranean. The U.S. continued to pay tributes until 1815 when naval victories led to treaties ending all tribute payments by the United States. European nations continued annual payments until the 1830s. However, international piracy in Atlantic and Mediterranean waters declined during this time under pressure from the Euro-American nations, who no longer viewed pirate states as mere annoyances during peacetime and potential allies during war.

On September 11, 2001, the Islamic economic war was brought to the United States when the World Trade Center was the primary target.


Each day the Islamic State grows more powerful and more and more Muslims inhabit Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and secular countries. The Muslims have a plan and strategy; the West has no plan, no consensus, no strategy and no clue. If you were an odds maker, you would have to give the Muslims odds of at least 60% to dominate the world. Iran most likely already has everything necessary to construct an atomic bomb with the help from Russian and North Korean Nuclear Scientists. About 50 countries have Muslim majorities. What if the United States dominated 50 countries? Even Russia never gobbled up 50 countries.

Many secular countries will eagerly assist In the Muslim goal of an Islamic World as long as Big Satan and Little Satan are annihilated in the process. Do you believe President Barack Obama is a serious participant in fighting the Global War on Terrorism? How about England, Belgium, France, Germany and Spain? Ferdinand and Isabella expelled Muslims from Spain 500 years ago but they are dead. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher are gone. There are no Winston Churchill’s anymore. John Kerry, the Vietnam War protestor is Secretary of State! There is really no leader out there who understands how serious the threat really is or the global scope of its power.

After years of indoctrination by unionized teachers in public schools and wild eyed atheist professors, a surprising number of college students believe the United States is a greater threat to world peace than Islam. Young men and women are rushing to join the Islamic State for service abroad or domestically. It would not surprise me to see President Obama invite them to the Rose Garden for a Beer Summit and photo op. You won’t find any official estimates of the numbers of terrorists already in America; my estimate is between 100,000 and two million.

The police in Paris do not carry guns, maybe that’s why it took 90,000 police to pursue four terrorists and only three were caught? Liberal leaders across America can’t imagine why any law abiding citizen needs to own a gun. Even after 911, nothing was done to strengthen national security. Civil liberties were stripped and law abiding citizens became targets of the NSA but our borders became much less secure and terrorist acts continue to occur. The Obama Administration marginalizes attacks by calling them WORKPLACE VIOLENCE.

Most Americans think they can watch the Today Show and know everything that’s going on. Too many cannot tell when they are being indoctrinated. I just watched Liberals saying that Hillary is worried about Jeb Bush. If they thought Jeb Bush was a threat, they would be saying he can see Russia from Coral Gables. The subtle message is for Conservatives to nominate the man who scares Hillary. Some will actually fall for these tricks. Many will never see the terror threat until their heads are on the chopping block.

Unbridled Lawlessness in America

January 3, 2014


If you discovered unbridled lawlessness and unconstitutional activity within a government agency, what would you do? Every government employee and member of the Armed Forces knows what will happen to them if they blow the whistle. Only the most courageous patriots who love America more than themselves will ever dare. If you blow the whistle on an agency, with a corrupt Agency Director, his or her Inspector General will inspect the allegations. The IG works for the Agency Director. Even if the Fraud, Waste & Abuse (FW&A) involves a low ranking individual and is substantiated by the IG, your career is over, O-V-E-R, done, finished! YOU will be investigated, harassed, isolated and totally destroyed. That’s why waste in the government is LEGENDARY!

If your allegations point to a high ranking individual or the Agency itself, they will NEVER be substantiated! Yes, the IG system cannot work and is itself FW&A. Only the Government Accountability Office (GAO) can be depended on the get the truth. The GAO works for Congress.

Unless you get your news from Good Morning America, Today, CNN or MSNBC, you realize that most of the Cabinet Members and Agency Directors are corrupt. The Attorney General sets in Criminal and Civil Contempt of Congress while the National Director of Intelligence and the Director of NSA have both lied to Congress.

Inexplicably many Americans actually think spying on them makes them safer, can you explain that to me? A fifth grader can read and understand the Fourth Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

NSA stand for “No Such Amendment?” For the first time in American History all three branches of government are complicit in violating the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.

NSA is suppose to focus on foreign intelligence but I believe they have become obsessed with learning what size underwear you have on, what inside information CEO’s know, what horse will win the 5th race at Belmont, how Judges will rule in specific cases or where the next shopping center will be built? NSA has a dismal record when it comes to stopping the Boston Bombing, the USS Cole attack, the Khobar Towers bombing, the Benghazi Attack, 911, the Time Square Bombing and countless other catastrophes that cost countless American Lives. They spied on our allies instead of spying on our enemies. Maybe if they had put some effort into finding Osama bin Laden 12 years ago the war in Afghanistan would never have happened?

It has been estimated that there are at least 20,000 illegal aliens from terrorist countries in the United States. Where are they, what are they up to and when will they do their reprehensible mission? Suitcase Nukes and thousands of surface to air missiles cannot be accounted for. Where are they, who has them and what will they do with them? They could all be in the United States because our 92,000 miles of shoreline and our borders are porous.

So what is the focus of the once mighty United States? Silencing Edward Snowden! Even usually rational citizens have lost sight of the crooks and focused on the messenger. Nobody at NSA or IRS has been arrested. Witnesses to the Benghazi attack have been threatened. The Doctor who found bin Laden has now been charged with murder while America refuses to lift a finger to help him. Are there any Americans left with enough discernment to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys?

While you have been obsessed with Snowden and Duck Dynasty, your government spent $98,670.00 on an outhouse in Alaska, a million to heat the pavement at a bus stop, a $10,000 grant for a Pole Dancing Performance, $5,400,000.00 for booze and crystal for the State Department, $82,000 to monitor depression on Twitter and $562,000 for artwork for offices. Oh, did I mention the 1.5 million square foot billion dollar NSA Building in Utah?

Time to go back to Good Morning America, you might miss a great recipe for rattlesnake chili?

Presidents Plan to Soak the Rich 101

July 10, 2012

This will take more than a sound bite. Have you heard of the Bush Tax Cuts? In 2001 George Bush began cutting taxes across the board including Capital Gains Taxes. Nine months into the Bush Presidency the Attacks of 9/11 occurred.

George Bush was not my favorite President, I am a Reagan man and, of course, George Washington. Bush was too much of a big government, big spender to suit me. His policies were too intrusive into privacy to suit me also.

Nevertheless, George was 10 times the President that President Obama is. The average unemployment rate during the Bush 8 years was 5.26%. That is better than the best year Reagan had, not to mention Obama’s dismal record.

From day one Obama has sounded like a broken record in an unrelenting pursuit to eliminate the Bush Tax Cuts. With the November Election looming, Obama’s desire to raise taxes is evolving to just affect the so called rich, those earning $250,000 a year.

If Congress would give him what he asks for, his brilliant plan would raise enough revenue to pay the interest on the National Debt for a week. Of course that would be wiped out by the Obamacare Tax and it hits those earning less than $120,000 the worst.

The so called rich are mostly small business owners. Raising taxes affects them, of course, but it affects much more than them. The owners have expenses; to wit utilities, labor, taxes, fees, materials, etc. In the old days if expenses went up a businessman could simply raise prices. Back then all the competitors would have to raise their prices too. Not so now, 70% of the automobiles sold in the U.S. are manufactured overseas. America now has the highest Corporate Tax in the World. In addition, Unions, EPA & OSHA Regulations, Drilling Policy, etc have put American Business at a disadvantage to virtually every other Country in the World.

Therefore, raising prices is a slippery slope that could lead to bankruptcy. Businessmen would have to look at other options such as not hiring new employees, laying off employees, cutting wages, not buying new equipment, downsizing, retiring and trying to sell the business, etc. All of these decisions affect other people and other suppliers. Some businesses might opt to move overseas.

While the Obama plan to soak the filthy rich may appeal to his base, there is more to it than meets the eye. Let’s take doctors for example. There is a shortage of doctors and as a result as many as ten percent delay retirement because it would put other doctors in dire straits or it would leave a community without a urologist or other specialist. Raise their taxes and they WILL retire. They’re not stupid. I think you get the point of where this will take America.