Posts Tagged ‘missiles’

The Global Terrorism Threat

March 27, 2014


I know your expectations are low with Secretaries of State like Hillary “Saul Alinsky” Clinton and John “Vietnam Veteran Accuser” Kerry. Therefore, I will take some time out of my day to enlighten you about the threat to your security.

Your State Department lists FOUR Countries as State Sponsors of Terrorism: Iran, Cuba, Syria and Sudan. This may shock you since 15 of the 19 hijackers who hijacked four jet airliners on 911 were Saudi Arabian citizens. In fact, the King who Barack Obama bowed down to rules Saudi Arabia, the country it is said to be the world’s largest source of funds for Salafi jihadist terrorist militant groups, such as al-Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba in South Asia, and donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton. According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups.”

You also may be alert enough to notice that countries like North Korea, Libya, Russia and China are noticeably absent.

Libya as far back as 1969 supported, with weapon supplies, training camps located within Libya and monetary finances, an array of armed paramilitary groups both including the Provisional Irish Republican Army, the Basque Fatherland and Liberty, the Umkhonto We Sizwe, the Polisario Front, the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Moro National Liberation Front of the Philippines. Libya was removed from the United States list of terrorist supporting nations after it had ended all of its support for armed groups and the development of weapons of mass destruction. A lawyer representing one of the whistleblowers with knowledge of the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi says 400 surface-to-air missiles were “diverted to Libya” during the attack and fell into “the hands of some very ugly people.” In an interview with Washington, D.C. radio station WMAL, Beltway lawyer Joe diGenova said he “does not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the distribution of those missiles,”

Even more disturbing are the Libyan arms that went missing during the fighting to remove Col Muammar Gaddafi including 20,000 surface to air missiles. Those weapons are now spreading ever further afield, being used in conflicts as far apart as Niger, Somalia, Gaza and Syria, a UN report says. The U.S. continues to give Libya about a billion dollars in foreign aid.

Then there is Barack’s buddy Vladimir. Russia has their Edward Snowden, his name is Stanislav Lunev, a former Soviet Military officer born in 1946 in Leningrad. the highest-ranking Main Intelligence Directorate officer to defect from Russia to the United States. He worked as an intelligence officer in Singapore in 1978, in China from 1980, and in the United States from 1988. He defected to U.S. authorities in 1992. Since then he has worked as a consultant to the FBI and CIA. He remains in the FBI’s Witness Protection Program. According to Lunev, a probable scenario in the event of war would be poisoning of the Potomac River with chemical or biological weapons, “targeting the residents of Washington DC.” He also noted that it is “likely” that operatives have placed already “poison supplies near the tributaries to major US reservoirs.” That was confirmed by Alexander Kouzminov who was responsible for transporting dangerous pathogens from around the world for Russian program of biological weapons in the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. He described a variety of biological terrorism acts that would be carried out on the order of the Russian President in the event of hostilities, including poisoning public drinking-water supplies and food processing plants. US Congressman Curt Weldon supported claims by Lunev but noted that Lunev had “exaggerated things” according to the FBI. Our government calls it Biological Warfare, the Holy Bible calls it Pestilence. But wait, Barack Obama says the Cold War has been over for many years. Why would we ever dare to worry about Russia?

I don’t think anybody who is reading this needs to be explained the sordid past of North Korea or that they possess nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. I do not doubt that they would use these weapons on anybody at any time. Since they have nukes, it is safe to assume their scientists have proliferated them to Iran and who knows who else. If the radicalized NSA would do their job instead of spying on Congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, Governors and me, perhaps they would know more about OUR REAL ENEMIES?

So, what about China? China’s nuclear arsenal poses the most serious “mortal threat” to the United States among nation states, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told the Senate. In candid testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. Clapper said he considered China the most significant threat among nation states, with Russia posing the second-greatest threat. He later clarified the comments by saying he did not assess that China or Russia had the intention to launch an attack on the United States. The testimony contrasts with statements by Obama administration officials who have sought to highlight the dangers of Iran and North Korea while paying less attention to China and Russia. Mr. Clapper said he does not assess that North Korea and Iran pose greater strategic threats because they lack the forces that Russia and China have that could deliver a nuclear attack on the United States. Dear Mr. Clapper, THE UNITED STATES IS NOT SECURE!!!! Until our borders and 92,000 miles of coastline are secure, ANY country or terrorist group has the capacity to cross our borders or coastlines with weapons of mass destruction.

Does, “Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense” ring a bell? The Obama Administration sees Conservatives, Veterans, Christians and Wage Earners as THE ENEMY. Until we have a regime change, we must look out for ourselves and assume that Weapons of Mass Destruction are pre-positioned on United States soil and that our enemies are living among us at this very second. The truth of the matter is that very few people outside of Israel, Canada, Australia and Japan care one iota about us, the American People. It certainly looks like very few people in Washington, DC care about us either. Keep your powder dry and pay attention to what you do and where you go. Just because Yemen, Somalia, Mexico and Egypt are not on the State Department list does not mean they are safe. There are large and small cities in the United States that are not safe. You know Chicago is dangerous but how many of your friends know that North Little Rock, Arkansas is the fifth most dangerous small city in America? All I’m saying is stay alert and if you see something, say something.

Is NSA a Total Failure?

July 26, 2013


Has NSA become just another giant Union scam? What does NSA know about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, missing Russian Nukes and Nerve Gas in the Middle East?

Just two years ago Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi was overthrown leaving 20,000 Soviet shoulder-fired surface to air heat-seeking missiles known as “MANPADS” to be plundered. NSA was not only oblivious to the events in Libya, they also have no idea what happened to those deadly missiles. If most of those missiles and Soviet Suitcase Nukes have not been smuggled into the U.S. it is ONLY because terrorists don’t want them here. We have NO BORDER SECURITY!

NSA knows your underwear size. They know where you drove your car today. They know what you posted on Facebook and Twitter, texted to your wife and emailed to your friends. And they’ve done it all in the supposed interest of “national security.”

If, however, you were an Al Qaeda terrorist coordinating a large-scale Abu Ghraib Prison break to free senior members of your mid-east terror organization sentenced to death, you would have been able to operate with impunity. NSA also lost track of the blundering Boston bombers who murdered and maimed people at the heart of the Boston Marathon, the Terrorist Doctor who infiltrated the U.S. Army & murdered 14 innocent people at Fort Hood, the 911 Terrorists who were trained to fly in the United States and 20,000 to 100,000 illegal aliens from Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and other Terrorist Countries who infiltrated America and live among us.

It is clearly time for the unionized bureaucrats at NSA to give us a day’s work for a day’s pay and stop spying on law abiding citizens and get busy with their mission of foreign intelligence and counterintelligence and stop being just another money pit!

Polls show that the majority of Americans do not approve of unconstitutional NSA domestic spying. The majority of congressional Democrats voted to cut funding for domestic spying against the wishes of the Obama administration. I was stunned when congressional Republicans voted to continue this abuse including three out of the four Arkansas congressman! Beam me up Scotty!!!